

What Is God's Part Anyway

Finals week for student is always stressful and rightly so. It is just what is says… they are being tested on their total knowledge gained during the past semester. The grade is final and stays on their record all the way to college and even beyond. The accumulation of these grades can allow them to go on the university of their choice … or prevent them from doing so! There is generally no mercy if they get a poor grade. No going back to renegotiate because they have been tested, graded and that is final!
I found a post-it note on my computer one morning after my son had been up most of the night studying for his math final. The note read, “Hi Mom, I’ve worked hard in math all semester. I have been tutored, stayed after school to get help and have always done my homework. I have done my part so what is God’s part in helping me do well on this final?” I smiled at his question and also his, tongue in cheek, sense of humor. I also thought to myself, “How am I going to answer this one?” After he woke up and got ready for seminary we had family prayer and asked the Lord to bless him with a clear mind during the test.

I have found it hard as a mother to describe to my children how prayers are answered. Explaining this concept is not always so cut and dried as other questions they ask. The requests in our prayers have different levels of importance and there are some situations in life when the Lord expects you to grow and learn on your own, coming up with your personal solutions and even possibly making mistakes because of them. In our home we often ask the question, “How important is that in the eternal aspect of things? Our father in Heaven hears what we say and knows our concerns yet agency is never compromised. How can we explain that prayers are answered…but it may not be with a letter grade?

I was visiting an institute class with my older son in Iowa and the topic was keeping an eternal perspective in this busy world we live in. The prophet Moses was used as the example. Before he began the task of bringing the Israelites out of Egypt Moses needed an understanding of God’s eternal perspective and plan to help him get through the tasks and trials of his calling. Mosses had been raised in an environment and with the knowledge that Pharaoh was god and therefore, “all powerful.” He had seen this power in use during the first forty years of his life. Therefore, Moses needed to have a sure knowledge that God is God, the one who created the worlds and the task Moses was asked to do would be possible only though His eternal power. As obstacles came in his way Moses would need this confidence to accomplish his assignment. Our children need to develop this same confidence in the tasks they are here to do. Moses was shown all of God’s creations that allowed him to see the importance of his task from an eternal perspective. In preparation Moses was also told several times that he was, His son,” and had been called by God to complete this work and therefore a way would be provided for him to accomplish the assigned task. My favorite verse is in Moses 1:6 where the Lord tells him, “That all things are present with me, for I know them all.”

This thought gave me insight how to explain to my son that the Lord is very well aware of all his concerns, even his math final. In the eternal aspect of things the Lord is not going to rescue him from failure if he has not done his part in preparation. There is wisdom in letting us experience agency and accountability! My son needed to understand that God’s part has already been done and the tools for him to succeed are already in place. From an eternal perspective He allowed my son to be born in the time when knowledge is ours for the taking. He lives here in a country where freedom to learn is encouraged. He gave him a healthy body with the ability to think, reason and solve problems. He is a child of God who is known personally by his Father in Heaven and knows of his concerns. He has provided a plan where he may always correct errors made during this test of life and mercy will always be extended in his behalf. (This is more than the school system can offer!) He has given him a constant companion to guide him through uncertain times but the one thing He will not do for my son is to come and take the math test. Achievement results on this temporal test will be exactly what he earned with the help of a clear mind and his own preparation. He is a child of God and has those attributes to succeed in any task given to him.

The real question is: “What is your part to help yourself do well in math? Have you developed a drive to achieve your best? Do you have a desire to work and study hard? Do you have the courage necessary to ask questions and seek help when needed? Do you take care of yourself spiritually and live in such a way that you can receive help from the Holy Ghost?” If you can say you have done your part then “God’s part” will be achieved. The eternal final is the one that we must keep continually in our thoughts and gain a true understanding of what part God plays in that test.

P.S. He did fine on the exam plus gained a new understand of “God’s part” in the many small tests along this eternal road.

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