

Summer Time

It’s here, summer! I am referring to the annual summer vacation that every student (and teacher) looks forward to. Funny thing is, when it finally arrives the students, at least, just don’t know what to do with all their extra spare time. I expect it will only take about three weeks and you’ll hear the words, “What is there to do?”  Of course, cleaning their room is out of the question and weeding the flowerbed is unconceivable.  They always want to do great things during their time off but fail to realize their planned events usually only last a week or two and then boredom sets in.  As it happens when they can’t think of anything to do they turn to you.  Seldom in the job description of “Mother” do you hear the term “activities chairwoman” but in reality you are or should be just that.  As much as they want to be on vacation with no deadlines or pressures they still need structure.  Secretly they still want a schedule, goals and planned events.  Our job is to be creative as to how we label our summer events so our children won’t think we have their summer planned for them with things we want them to accomplish.

To prove my point we were on vacation in Mexico during a break with our two youngest children visiting the ancient ruins.  We had a couple of days at a resort with all sorts of wonderful activities and options.  After the first morning of free time that consisted of swimming in the ocean, sunning, reading and just totally relaxing my daughter said,   “This is fun but I think I enjoy exploring and learning about the ruins more!”  Point proven.  This was my first glimmer into my daughter’s future self.  I was delighted she could recognize that productivity was associated with contentment.

Summer is a wonderful time for you to get reacquainted with your children who have been so scheduled with activities away from home during the school year.  I can’t give you advice on what to do but we do live in the greater Los Angeles area where the options are innumerable.  Take advantage of what is in our own backyard.  Knowing your children’s interest, use our local resources to enjoy and have fun with them.

What I can encourage you to do is to make a plan.  This is where you as the “activities chairwoman” fit in.  Have a family council where all members participate in making a “To Do” list of activities and goals they would like to accomplish.  Be sure to put on the list those items that have to be done like reading that classic book for their English class in the fall, cleaning out from under their beds (hopefully they will find those socks that have been missing for months), organizing last years school work into scrapbooks or going to Disneyland with the family. The important thing is that these events and activities need to be listed and written down.

Next, work the plan.  Get a three-month calendar and schedule when big events will take place and around them plan the smaller events and fillers including reading time, cleaning time and relaxing time when they really can play the Wii or watch a DVD of their choice. The ultimate goal is to set a plan that they can do by themselves. Let it be their ideas regarding what they can do.  Your role is to be only the coordinator of activities, not the enforcer of the schedule.  Allow them to govern their own time by using the planned schedule.  Children are more motivated when it is their idea.

Just as a side note, when my children have expressed to me that they don’t know what to do, I have come to realize they are really saying, “Will you stop what your are doing and spend time with me?”  That is when I have always pulled out one of my favorite books and read to them.  I am a firm believer that reading can take you on adventures and to places beyond anything that Southern California has to offer.  I would like to quote Sheri Dew who said,  “I am a huge advocate of doing everything imaginable to encourage children to read because I believe in the power of good books to transport, transform and inspire.  People who love to read seem to have a decided advantage in just about everything they do.”  Wise words!

So when that question comes, “Mom, what is there to do?” Just point them in the direction of the calendar to see what the next activity is on the family summer fun list.  Most importantly… enjoy these days with them and create wonderful memories.

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